Kaze To Ki No Uta: Sei Ni Naru Ka Na Anime Streaming (2025)

1. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - Gogoanime

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  • Watch Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana online in HD on Gogoanime

2. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - MyAnimeList.net

  • 1887, at a remote, elite boarding school in France: Serge Battour returns after his graduation, and remembers the days of his youth.

  • 1887, at a remote, elite boarding school in France: Serge Battour returns after his graduation, and remembers the days of his youth... 1880, at the same school: Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.

3. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - Türk Anime TV

  • Bir zamanlar babasının okuduğu yatılı Lacombrade Akademisine nakil olan Serge, okulun en sorunlu çocuklarından birisi olan Gilbert'in oda arkadaşı olmuştur.

  • Bir zamanlar babasının okuduğu yatılı Lacombrade Akademisine nakil olan Serge, okulun en sorunlu çocuklarından birisi olan Gilbert'in oda arkadaşı olmuştur. Güzelliğini kullanarak erkekleri baştan çıkaran Gilbert'e karşı başlarda sert bir tavır takınan...

4. Kaze to Ki no Uta SANCTUS -Sei naru kana- (OAV) - Anime News Network

  • Plot Summary: Set in a 19th century boarding school in France, this adaption of Keiko Takemiya's 1976 boys love manga tells the story of Serge Batouille who ...

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5. The Poem of Wind and Trees Episode 1 Watch Anime Online - Anikoto

6. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - Clubs - MyAnimeList.net

  • Find clubs on the anime Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana (The Poem of Wind and Trees) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database.

  • Find clubs on the anime Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana (The Poem of Wind and Trees) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. 1887, at a remote, elite boarding school in France: Serge Battour returns after his graduation, and remembers the days of his youth... 1880, at the same school: Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms w...

7. Kaze to Ki no Uta | Yaoi Wiki - Fandom

  • Volume 16 includes the extra one-shot Koufuku no Hato (Dove of Happiness). An anime OVA named Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana, and The Poem of Wind and ...

  • Kaze to Ki no Uta is a completed manga with one hundred and thirty nine chapters across seventeen volumes. It is written and illustrated by Keiko Takemiya, then was released in 1976. Volume 16 includes the extra one-shot Koufuku no Hato (Dove of Happiness). An anime OVA named Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana, and The Poem of Wind and Trees in English aired in 1987. Serge Battour is the son of a French viscount and a Romani prostitute, and despite his kind nature and academic talent, is s

8. Kaze to Ki no Uta (IN FULL!) - Vídeo Dailymotion

  • Duur: 59:27Geplaatst: 29 jul 2014

  • Filmow

9. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - Info Anime

  • Sua fonte de informação de Animes, Mangás, Doramas, Tokusatsus, Live-Actions, Fansubers, Scanlators.

  • 1887, em um remoto internato de elite na França: Serge Battour retorna depois de sua forma...

10. Kaze to Ki no Uta (manga) - Anime News Network

  • Related anime: Kaze to Ki no Uta SANCTUS -Sei naru kana- (OAV) (adaptation) ; Alternative title: Il Poema del Vento e degli Alberi (Italian). La balada del ...

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11. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana Watch Order - AniMixPlay

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  • Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana Watch Order

12. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana - Adatlap - Animek.hu

  • Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana(The Poem of Wind and Trees) anime, 1987-11-06, Romance, Drama, Shoujo, Shounen Ai, Historical, Boys' Love, School, ...

  • Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana(The Poem of Wind and Trees) anime, 1987-11-06, Romance, Drama, Shoujo, Shounen Ai, Historical, Boys' Love, School, Tragedy, Bullying, Foreign, The Song of the Wind and the Trees, Kaze To Ki No Uta: Sei Ni Naru Ka Na, KazeKi

13. Kaze to Ki no Uta: Seinaru ka na - Anime-Club

  • ... anime, Descriere titlu: Based on 1976 manga, Toward the Terra, by Takemiya Keiko, Kaze to Ki no Uta: Sei ni Naru ka na is a tender romance between two boys ...

  • Anime-Club - Prima comunitate de anime si manga din Romania. Forum, stiri, galerie, download-uri, informatii, review-uri, animedb, precum si multe altele va asteapta., AnimeDB, baza de date romana cu informatii despre titluri anime, Descriere titlu: Based on 1976 manga, Toward the Terra, by Takemiya Keiko, Kaze to Ki no Uta: Sei ni Naru ka na is a tender romance between two boys, Serge and Gilbert.The story takes place at the end of 19th century in a European boarding school for boys. Serge, a quiet, calm, gentle and religious person, is sent by his family to this boarding school where he finds himself sharing a room with Gilbert Cocteau, a beautiful blond homosexual.

14. Kaze to Ki no Uta: Sanctus - Seinaru ka na (Anime) - aniSearch.com

  • Ratings. 12. 14 · Streams. More and more anime are legally available through various streaming services. · Trailers. If you want a good first look at something, ...

  • Information about the anime Kaze to Ki no Uta: Sanctus - Seinaru ka na from studio Konami Holdings Corporation with the main genre Drama

15. [YAOI] Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana

  • 20 mrt 2015 · Type: OVA Episodes: 1 Genres: Drama, Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Yaoi ~> Nội dung: Serge Batouille là một đứa trẻ mồ côi, thông minh, ...

  • Type: OVA Episodes: 1 Genres: Drama, Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Yaoi ~> Nội dung: Serge Batouille là một đứa trẻ mồ côi, thông minh, tài năng, hiền lành và tốt bụng mang dòng máu Gyspy với màu…

16. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana (1987) - Letterboxd

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  • Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.

17. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana (1987) - Trakt

  • Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage.

  • Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.

18. Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana Episode 1 English Subbed

  • Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana Episode 1 English Subbed at gogoanime · VidstreamingChoose this server · Gogo serverChoose this server · StreamwishChoose ...

  • 1887, at a remote, elite boarding school in France: Serge Battour returns after his graduation, and remembers the days of his youth... 1880, at the same school: Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, ... at Gogoanime

Kaze To Ki No Uta: Sei Ni Naru Ka Na Anime Streaming (2025)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.